Dried Savory


There are two varieties of savory: winter savory and summer savory. Savory has a peppery flavor, although winter savory is more pungent and stronger flavored than the summer variety. Savory can be found incorporated into European cuisines such as beans, meat, and poultry. It is also commonly added to soups and stews that have meat or poultry and/or beans.


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Folks have taken summer savory for coughs, sore throat, and intestinal disorders including cramps, indigestion, gas, diarrhea, nausea, and loss of appetite. People with diabetes take it to relieve frequent thirst. It is also used as a tonic and as an aphrodisiac to increase sex drive

Some results of Internet  searches for “Health Benefits of Savory”.

Taken from: “Healthy Focus” https://healthyfocus.org/benefits-of-savory/

Used in a health tonic and medicinal tea or maybe even used as a healthy accouterment to your next meal, savory may provide you with some of the following health benefits:

1) Anti-Septic and Anti-fungal

The leaves of savory have been found to contain such medicinal essential volatile oils as carvacrol and thymol. Thymol is an anti-septic and anti-fungal agent, making it a great way to fight and prevent the spread of fungal infections. Carvacrol, meanwhile, is an antibacterial agent, effective in fighting such bacterial strains as Bacillus cereus and E coli.

2) Vitamins and Minerals

Rich in vitamins and minerals, savory has been found to help keep the body up and running. Savory contains potassium, which is essential to moderating blood pressure and keeping the heart healthy. The iron content in savory encourages the development of blood cells, while zinc and vitamin C helps boost the immune systems.

3) Prebiotic and Rich in Fiber

Savory is a source of dietary fiber. It’s important to get enough fiber to keep your digestive system running smoothly. Fiber is also essential to helping reduce bad LDL cholesterol while helping to boost good HDL cholesterol. Fiber is also an important prebiotic that helps nurture good gut flora.

4) Digestive Aid

When consumed as a tea, savory can help calm digestive upset, headaches, and sore throat.  Due to its antiseptic properties, drinking savory tea may help improve the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

5) Fights inflammation

In its concentrated oil form, the powerful medicinal effects of savory oil may help treat rheumatism, gout, headaches, and nausea.

The following summarizes our Internet search of “Health Benefits of Savory”

  • Helps to prevent the risk of cancer

  • Helps to prevent Diabetics

  • Acts to reduce blood pressure

  • Detoxifies the body

  • Improves bone health

  • Improves skin health

  • Helps to control rheumatoid arthritis

  • Helps to promote digestion

  • Helps to boost immunity

  • Helps to improve cardiovascular health

References: Internet searches:” Health Benefits of Savory”

Additional information

final state

fine powder, course granualar


loose, tea bags


1 pack, 3 pack, 5 pack, 10 pack, 15 pack